I am so sad to hear that the world has lost this gentle, determined and beautiful woman, Marina Smith. Doing some work with the wonderful Aegis I arrived with my daughter Niña at her home to be greeted like a family member. There was a magnificent afternoon tea, a tour of the delightful English garden with a focus on her special roses and a perusal of all the books about Aegis, her travels and family albums. She was very interested in my mixed Jewish/ Christian family with the incredible tributes her family has made to both religions.… Read the rest
I`m just speechless and at a loss for words, Marina is and will always be
an angle among us that cared for us all, guided us and you can always feel her
Love and gentleness as she walked through life beside us.
Having had the pleasure to meet Mrs. Smith it was an honor and beginning of a great friendship with an angle that day after day she had my family and I at heart and showered us with chocolates full of love.
She guided us through James and Stephen the best could and taught us all like no other the values of life.… Read the rest
Dearest Mother,
I first remember coming to see you when I was 7 years old. I felt completely enveloped in love. You were the first person to understand me and you knew instinctively what was wrong even though I found it difficult to explain.
And your warm hugs were like being nestled under a mother hen’s wings and I knew all was well. On that day my life changed.
Since then you have been a dearest mother to me and to my family and have always been there, guiding, teaching, forgiving, making things right again and pouring out love every day. … Read the rest
I am crying.
I mourn a loved one –
Receive my condolences James and Stephen, Eduard Smith.
I have rarely read such a painful message. I had found in your mother, James and Stephen, a Mum I lost at a young age…..
Just two months ago I was in the UK. I contacted James to ask if I could drop by to say hello to his Mum. I received as an answer that Marina invite me for lunch.
I had a great time with Marina and Eduard Smith. I could not imagine that I was meeting Marina for the last time.
I promised her to come back in September with my wife and children –
She is gone to meet her Maker and be rewarded by the Almighty for her good work –
Marina sent me messages at Christmas and sometimes at Easter.… Read the rest
Dearest Stephen and James
I am deeply, deeply saddened. Marina was an angel. How blessed I feel for having known her. I cannot begin to imagine your feeling of loss. She was an Eshet Chael – a woman of worth and i loved her.
I wish you both and Eddie Long Life.
Ruth-Anne… Read the rest
I cannot find words to describe the sadness of losing another Mother!! She has known me longer than my own mother after meeting me at age of 22 !!
Nottingham will never be the-same without her!
Where ever I went in the world always knew I had a home to come back to!! Her words to me was “ never forget you are my daughter “ fair well mother until we meet again! You have been my anchor for so long !!! All my life I learn to switch off my emotions but this time I can’t ! In your passing I found healing will have to face them now .… Read the rest
Dearest Mother,
How can I put in words what you mean to me and how much you will be missed. You are loved to Heaven and back. You have been a constant throughout my whole life. You have always been there. Life will never be the same now you have gone. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family, which will only be known in Heaven.
Thank you for being you and giving of yourself to others. Thank you for caring about the details, because as you have often said, “caring about the little details makes the biggest difference”.… Read the rest
What a shock I experienced today on reading the email from Stephen and James.
Mrs Marina Smith, you are and were a truly sincere and inspirational lady. The Smith family, with Marina and Eddie at its very heart, have given us such an immense legacy of care, compassion and remembrance for the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.
I remember with fondness the first time I ever set foot inside Beth Shalom; at the first-ever Sixth Form conference organised at The Centre. Mrs Smith stood smiling in the hallway welcoming us with such kindness into the newly established facility.… Read the rest
I mourn the loss of a very dear friend.
The one hour, twenty minute train journey from London to Newark and my first meeting with Marina and Stephen at Beth Shalom was for me a life-changing experience. Over the years, since that first meeting, I have enjoyed a very special friendship with Marina. My annual visits from Cape Town to my family in London always included a visit to Bethany, sometimes accompanied by my late husband, children and grandchildren .
Inbetween these treasured reunions I was privileged to have been a recipient of Marina’s wonderful emails – brimful with heartwarming and inspiring news of Beth Shalom, Stephen and James and her wonderful grandchildren.… Read the rest
They hadn’t realised it was the last time they’d meet together on the ground. As suddenly the beautiful Swallow set off on a new journey across the fields and into the skies. The Sparrow looked up and was glad their last words to each other had been “ I love you.”
And that was all that mattered.… Read the rest
Dear Stephen and James,
Deeply, deeply saddened to read your email, it feels very strange, wrong to speak or write of Marina in the past tense.
Only last month she and I corresponded and, as always, her emails were full of life energy and life-giving energy.
Marina was, is, a force for the good and the right.
Every fibre of her being seemed impelled to make the world better, in her way, with her vision which seemed led by the certainty that goodness will lead and galvanise more goodness.
I recall the Passover Seder that Marina, Eddie and I arranged in Rwanda in 2004 at The Intercontinental Hotel when I came to install the two stained glass windows that you had commissioned me to make for the National Genocide Memorial Centre.… Read the rest
Sometimes in life you only need to meet someone once for them to touch your heart and make a deep impression. Marina certainly did that. I was fortunate enough to meet Marina several years ago when our son visited Beth Shalom as part of his pre-Barmitzvah preparations with Bushey Synagogue.
I had heard many stories about Marina and the incredible Smith family from my husband who had been involved with the foundation.
So meeting her first hand was really a great privilege. Our encounter was everything I could have imagined and more.… Read the rest
When I was a happy little six year old in pre-war Holland, a visit to my lovely granny was a highlight. She lived by the seaside in Scheveningen. Whilst playing with my bucket and spade , I asked granny who was sitting in one of those wicker chairs, knitting in Dutch “What’s on the otherside of the sea? Engeland” she said. Litterally translated is Angel land. I imagined a country full of angels. Many years later whilst living there, I met one. An angel called Marina Smith.… Read the rest
“Why do you want to work at Beth Shalom?” – this was the beginning of the conversation I had when meeting Marina in 2006. I can’t remembered how I answered, but the answer now would be profoundly different to back then because of everything I have learnt. I have been beyond honoured to have worked for 16 years at Beth Shalom- one of the most beautiful, spiritual and important places imaginable. Meeting the Smith family has been the MOST life-changing experience for me, and so much of this was down to Marina and the enormous part she played.… Read the rest
I visited the Holocaust Center, Bet Shalom, because I got to know Stephen, and was immensely impressed by the originality of the concepts (plural!) that inspired the work there. The fact that it lies next to a village which maintained the medieval traditions seemed to me to be an ideal combination of past, present, and possibly future. Marina was everywhere, looking after amenities, food, the content of the meetings, the survivors – and not only of the Holocaust – and the publications.… Read the rest
My heart is broken with the saddest news of the passing of your darling mother Marina
I am blessed to have known her over the last 6 years and especially blessed to have been able to say goodbye to her last week when as always she made me feel so special and as always all she wanted to do was to spoil my family with an incredible number of gifts always thinking of others before herself
I will miss the beautiful afternoon teas I shared with her and Eddie , she forever thanking me for the little I have done to help you , White Rose and the Aegis Trust and me forever thanking her for coming into my life so I could live my life with more purpose and meaning
The world has lost such a special person who cannot be replaced
I have the most beautiful memories of this magnificent human being
I will always treasure the beautiful and thoughtful emails that she would write with the gift of greatness as only a gifted writer could be
Marina will always inspire me to live a better life with more meaning and more purpose
My tears flow uncontrollably
With love and pride and incredible gratitude to have been able to meet one of the finest human beings to have lived and loved on this planet
An inspiration to all
Forever in my heart
Tommy and Lorelle Krulis… Read the rest
“The life of one we love is never lost. Its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched”. Thank you for your immeasurable service to humanity. May the hearts and minds you touched and inspired through your work, carry on your legacy. You will be missed, Marina. Rest in eternal peace.
Sincere condolences to the entire Smith family.
With love,
Claver Irakoze… Read the rest
Marina provided me with the most profound strength and love from a recent message she sent me after the sudden death of my partner aged only 37 which broke me. Her words, wisdom and deep felt love within that correspondence carried me through a terrible time. I am forever in her debt and she will be in my prayers thank you Marina RIP xx ‘For the sack of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world ‘ thank you love Damian… Read the rest
What a sad day for all of those of us who knew and loved Marina and the humanitarian work to which she dedicated her life.
The last time I saw Marina was on 10 October last year at the reunion of friends and family of Beth Shalom. As the attached photo of Marina and Frances Segelman shows, Marina had not lost her love of life and commitment to the important work in she was so deeply involved. I spent a few minutes chatting with her on that day which I shall always remember and treasure.
My Mum, Holocaust survivor Victoria Ancona Vincent, and Dad first met Marina and Eddie in 1995 and I met Marina and Eddie shortly afterwards at Beth Shalom.… Read the rest
We are forever grateful to the very depths of our beings for the love, support, advice and care Marina provided to us and our family, from that first meeting – Bonfire night, 1987!
A date we remember each year when Janet sends roses to Bethany, reminding us of your message to love.
I was then a young man, only just 20 years of age, much to learn and much to lose. Janet was in her twenties with two young children, Gina and Dinah. We had just married.
It was our incredible good fortune to have met you then, Marina, and later have the privilege to know your sons, Stephen and James, Eddie and your wider family.… Read the rest
What beautiful photos – the overwhelming emotion shining through them is love. So much love for family, for Eddie & for nature. And so much love being showered on Marina. How fortunate you have all been. And how fortunate for the rest of us to have been touched by Marina’s big heart.… Read the rest
Its with a mixture of Joy and sadness I write this and even with tears in my eyes of gratitude and thanksgiving – on the one hand joy that Mrs Smith is with her Lord whom she loved and served so vigilantly and carefully all her life; what a reward she will deservedly receive…. Well Done Good and Faithful Servant – Come and receive the Reward I have prepared for you! But also sadness that she will not be with us! I’ll esp miss the hugs and quips! Oh here’s Gregory our Vicar!… Read the rest
Marina was a very special lady. You could not help but love her and know that she loved you. My brother, Geoffrey Wigoder, helped to found Beth Shalom, and since then she has been in close touch with me, praising and encouraging me in every way. I have such happy memories of my visits to her and Eddie in their charming home and glorious garden. She made this world a better place and will be sadly missed… Read the rest
This message comes with love to someone who has been truly a part of my life for so many years
Marina, we shared the same Scorpio birthday which added to our super close kinship as mothers and `mates` in many ways.
I know that you are now at peace and wish Eddie Stephen and James many happy memories With love from Susan… Read the rest
Edward Smith Tribute to Marina Smith
Sunday 26th June 2022
It was June 1961. I was sitting in the Methodist Minister’s office after Sunday service. There was a little knock at the door – and there in the doorway was a gorgeous girl.
‘My car won’t start. Can I use your phone?’
Bless that broken-down car! We had a cup of tea together, and I learned that she was starting work next term at a local grammar school as head of Religious Education. She ransacked my library. It took two of us to carry the books into the car.… Read the rest
From the first time I came to Beth Shalom to speak to school students, I was so impressed by your depth of feeling and understanding, demonstrated in the way in which you introduced survivors, such as me, to the students. You conveyed to them what it means to me to recall the painful experiences I suffered in the camps and during the occupation of France. Your ability to relate to these emotions has always moved me deeply. Thank you for always thinking of me on special occasions and at critical times, particularly when I was unwell.… Read the rest