Hilary Mendelsson

Dear Stephen, James, grandchildren and family. In the Jewish tradition I wish you long life. My words echo all the tributes to Marina a woman of supreme worth, a woman whose price was truly above rubies. On a personal level I share your sadness. A light has gone out of our personal world and of the world at large. Only three weeks ago when she must’ve been feeling very ill she took the trouble to send me flowers on the anniversary of my beloved Steve’s death with her usual loving and comforting words. My heart goes out to Eddie as well and I can understand the grief and absence he must be feeling. Marina was truly an exceptional human being and I am sure she HAS taken her place amongst the angels. May she rest in peace in the knowledge that her remarkable family will continue her legacy in the future. With love and gratitude for having her include Steve and I in her orbit.

Hilary Mendelsson.