Gary Mills

I, my family and my friends and colleagues at the University of Nottingham are deeply saddened to hear the news of Marina’s passing. She was a remarkable women and loved by all those lucky enough to call the Centre our home. I have had the privilege of attending many events at the Centre and witnessed first hand how the Survivors would spontaneously embrace Marina and Eddie. She has done so much for so many over a very long and highly distinguished life and career.

It has been inspiring to read of her time as a school teacher and in my work with her I was always struck by the delighted enthusiasm she showed when in the presence of young people. There was a real drive towards helping pupils grapple with the complexity of some of humanity’s darkest hours and in developing opportunities to help them to see that through their actions the world could become a better, more caring environment to live in. Marina always had those wonderful generous qualities of sharing her wisdom and making everyone feel she would always have time for them. Her influence on so many of us involved in the world of education has been profound and significant.

Her legacy will forever be enshrined in the work of the Centre.

My/our thoughts and prayers are with Eddie, Stephen, James and the wider Smith family.

Rest in peace Marina.