
I count myself very privileged, eternally and deeply grateful to have known Mrs Smith for so many years and for her constant, unconditional love. I am truly deeply honoured I had the opportunity to be part of the team to support Mrs Smith, where I could, in the latter years of her life.

Mrs Smith was never restricted by time, I was constantly amazed by what she did, never knowing all the hours she gave each and every day so freely – Mrs Smith walked in G-d’s timing.

Mrs Smith never was and never could be constricted – her life was lived fully and her entry to Heaven would have been so wonderful as someone very special had arrived home.… Read the rest

Janet Ford

Where would I have been without you?

I think I would have been lost forever.
I could never be what I was meant to be until I met you and found a safe place under your wings.

Every day I give thanks for you – sometimes with joy and sometimes with tears.

I will never forget you ,

’til we meet again ❤️… Read the rest

Inge David

My dearest Marina,

I think of you so very often and, oh, how I miss your wonderful letters which were always so chockful of news and delightful pictures of your family, especially all your beautiful grandchildren. You provided them with so much knowledge regarding other faiths, a faith other than their own and you told me how you celebrated Jewish holidays just as you did your own Christian holidays which I think is just wonderful. The more we learn about each other’s faiths the better friends we can be.… Read the rest

Hannah Brown

I can’t believe it has been a year since our beloved Mother left us. She has gone but is forever cherished in our hearts. Her teaching keeps us steady, her faith strengthens us, her love holds us close,

till we meet again……

The following was written on Marina Smith’s passing in July 2022

It’s strange that when someone passes away suddenly you have many things you wished you could say to them.

It’s like you have a bird’s eye view on their life that you don’t seem to have when they are alive and you start analysing.… Read the rest

Claire Gartland

Today Theo told me, “I don’t miss her, I REMEMBER her. In here.” (Pointing to his temples with both index fingers).

I remember you in the quiet places; in the joyful times; in the difficult times when it’s hard to see the light; in the busy family moments, and the solitary occasions.

I remember you, I’m grateful for you, I miss you, and I will love you always.

#forevermissed #lettherebelove… Read the rest

Susanna Russell

Today on Mothers Day, I am joining with friends globally to especially remember Mrs Smith, whom to so many of us and to me, was a considered our Mother. 
I continue to endeavour to live my life according to the guidance, faith, encouragement, standards and care you set for us and the unwavering, unquestioning love you showed every single person you met.

In honour of you today, dear Mother, I raise my (almost) Royal Albert cup and thank you.

With love, Susanna Read the rest

Janet and Glen Ford

It was such a delight to share tea together using the tea set that Marina so generously gave to us and reminds us so much of being at Bethany. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for such love and faithfulness – may we always live true to these words and the example she set.

May her sons, Stephen and James, and her entire family always be kept safe and blessed in every way.… Read the rest


It has been 9 months since you went to Our Father in Heaven But you are always in my thoughts. Here we are today, 19 March 2023 celebrating Mother’s Day with all your spiritual children and friends around the World, sharing love. You are a Blessing in my life. Well, definitely we have to use our best china ware for our tea and cakes or coffee and cakes, the Royal Albert, of course. Thank you Marina for helping us to share and love… Read the rest

Nina Newell

My dear Mrs Smith,

Thank you for everything. Words cannot express it – your generosity, your love and care, your deep understanding. You welcomed me into your home, treating me like your own child. You brought me to my faith and through that taught and equipped me for life. And what an example you set us – through your faith, which guided you in everything, your principles, your integrity, your work ethics, your righteousness, and all of it with real joy and praise. With you everything had meaning and purpose, no wasted words, no wasted moments.… Read the rest

James Smith

I miss my mother deeply but remember every day she was driven by her Christian principles, embraced the concept in Judaism of Tikkun Olam (repairing a broken world) and embodied the Rwandan values of Ubumuntu: Humanity and Greatness of Heart. Her belief shone in her life and acts.

For the:

stranger, you shared your home
lonely you shared your heart
vulnerable you opened your wings
downtrodden you sought justice

You can’t choose your parents, but I’d always have chosen you. We only say farewell dearest Mother, for your values and legacy, live on.… Read the rest

Stephen D. Smith

We are not very good at dying, and yet, it is the one thing in our lives that we are all certain to do sometime. It is one of the great acts of living – some die in valor, some in pain, some young, others old – and my mother has been preparing for it every day of her life.

As I write this I am sitting at my mother’s bedside listening to her breathe. It’s just the two of us and the night. There are wires and machines hooked up to her. On occasion, nurses barge in a flurry of light and needles.… Read the rest

Michael Newman

Like many others no doubt, I have fond memories of sitting in the cottage next to the National Holocaust Centre, that was home to Marina and Eddie, and enjoying such warm and generous hospitality.

There was a strong sense of being at home, it just felt familiar; just as you would be having a cup of tea and a chat with your grandparents.

Above all, I recall Marina’s curiosity to get to know her guests; she was single-mindedly interested to hear from them; their experiences, reflections and motivations.… Read the rest

Stephen Newell

My Dear Marina,
There are no words or actions that can ever convey my love and gratitude for all that you have given to me and my family.
The love and life we experienced together will never fail to inspire, encourage and challenge as we continue in our walk with our Heavenly Father.
Stephen, James and families thank you, as you were always part of this gift.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
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