Marion Newell

Marina. Mother, Teacher, Friend.

Big sparkly blue eyes so expressive, laughter spontaneous & joyful, kindness so overwhelming. A heart Steadfast & True. Genuine with a deep personal integrity. Compassionate & practical in her caring, Counting the Cost but doing it anyway. Lavish in giving. She was Faithful & she was Full of Faith, & around her the Fragrance of Jesus.

This quote by Elisabeth Elliot will always remind me of Marina Smith:

This job has been given me to do.

Therefore, it is a Gift.

Therefore, it is a Privilege.

Therefore, it is an Offering I may make to G-d.

Therefore, it is to be done Gladly if it is done for Him .

Here, not somewhere else, I may learn G-d’s Way.

In this job, not in some other,

G-d looks for


‘It’s the Heart that Counts.’

Marina H Smith.