If you would like to honour Marina at this time, we would ask you to contribute to the Marina H Smith Foundation which will benefit education and humanitarian programs close to her heart. Nothing would have made her happier than to know the work she dedicated her life to will carry on in her name.
You can make a contribution below or send a cheque to the address below.
Marina H Smith Foundation
Bethany, Acre Edge Road, Laxton, Newark, Notts, NG22 0PA.
Please make checks (cheques) payable to “White Rose”.
For bank transfers or international donations, please email Glen Ford at info@marinahsmithfoundation.org for details.
Learn about Marina’s life and extraordinary accomplishments as well as share your own photos, memories, and favourite stories of Marina here.
If you would like to contact us please email stephenandjamessmith@gmail.com. We will reach out in the coming months to collect offline pledges using the contact information you provide.
Thank You,
Stephen and James
So far we have raised £100,000 to support causes close to Marina’s heart.
Jane Walker
Bethany Spring Craft Fair
Lawrie and Shirley Boarer
John Bower
Mrs Smith didn't just teach unlimited and unconditional love, patience, generosity, forgiveness, care and compassion, she lived all this, every moment of every day. It was such an … Read more
Mrs Smith didn't just teach unlimited and unconditional love, patience, generosity, forgiveness, care and compassion, she lived all this, every moment of every day. It was such an amazing privilege to have known her, and to have one's life so transformed and enriched by the experience of her motherly love and care.
Hannah Chapman
For memory walk
David Brown
Forever in our hearts.
Margaret Walker
Clumber Winter Walk
Debbie Barker
Always in our hearts xxx
Shamea Lee
Memorial Walk -whose light continue to shine so bright. In loving memory of Mrs Marina Smith. In the words of a little child “ ..that’s why we are doing the walk today!” … Read more
Memorial Walk -whose light continue to shine so bright. In loving memory of Mrs Marina Smith. In the words of a little child “ ..that’s why we are doing the walk today!” Well said. Thank you
Christine Robinson
Brilliant memory walk today at Clumber Park xx
Ben & Jane Walker
Memory Walk February 2025 in loving memory xx